We’ll help you share your blessings by connecting you to needs.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
OUR PLEDGE: Global Grace’s board of directors pays ALL administrative costs, so that 100% of your donations go directly to those in need.
Giving Options
Give Online
Zelle, Venmo, or Cashapp
Send to [email protected]
By Check
Mail a check to:
Global Grace
PO Box 214038
Auburn Hills, MI 48321-4038
Popular Funds
Children’s Homes
Global Grace Children’s Homes in Andhra Pradesh, India, provide a home for children who would otherwise be living on the street. We currently have nine homes in operation with about 230 children. We need sponsors to be able to continue providing the help the children desperately need. It costs about $20 per month per child to provide housing, education, food, clothing, and medical assistance.
Sewing Institute
The Global Grace Sewing Institute opened its doors in June 2018 in Visakhapatnam, India. The school’s mission is to empower unskilled women who have minimal economic prospects. By teaching them a trade we provide them with dignity and a path to financial independence. Upon completion of the six month course each woman receives her very own sewing machine.
Women of Grace
In 2018 we opened a home for widows in Chinnayyapalem, India. Sadly, these women had been mistreated and were homeless. We currently house 20 women, attending to all of their needs and providing a community that adds security and joy to their lives. Your donation of $33 per month will support one woman.
About Your Donations, Where & How They Are Used
Vulnerable to exploitation, many children are living on the streets, begging for food, and not attending school. With the help of our donors Global Grace has given them a home, enrolled them in schools, improved their health, and set them on a path to a better future.
We provide 75,000 vitamins a year for supplemental nutrition to kids
Our children's homes feed, house, and nurture kids. We give them a better life and a chance at a future by supporting their health.
We have provided 2,080 school years of education for children who were previously not attending school
Children should be in school, not begging on the street. We are breaking the cycle of poverty by ensuring our children receive a proper education.
We have equipped 214 female entrepreneurs with vocational training and economic empowerment
By teaching marginalized women a trade, we provide them with dignity and a path to financial independence.
We serve 300,000 meals every year
Food is essential. More than 250 people depend on your generosity for their daily sustenance.
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Global Grace is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.